UD is the key training and scientific research center in the Central area and Western highland of Vietnam. It has 6 member-universities, 13 affiliated units, 3 research institutes, 35 research and transfer centers, and 26 research teams. Its training programs are focused on economics, education, technology and state management.
With its strategic role and location, UD is entrusted by the Government to be one of the three leading higher education centers in the whole country. In 2016, UD became the first regional university in the country to be externally accredited. In particular, the University of Science and Technology (one of its member universities), has been recognized by the Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education and two of its advanced programs accredited by AUN-QA. UD has had about 100 articles published in ISI / SCOPUS journals yearly in the past few years. In regard to internationalization, UD has implemented 6 joint programs and signed memoranda of understanding with 142 international universities in Japan, Korea, UK, the US, Iceland, Finland, etc., which allow credit transfer, staff exchange and collaborative research. UD enrolls a total of 51,000 students of which some 3,360 are in the Masters/PhD programs.
The Center was established under Decision No. 4392 / QD-DHDN 28/12/2017 by the President of UD. The Center is under the management of the University. The Center is a unit operating in the field of society to provide counselling, career guidance, provide short-term training and fostering professional qualifications, seeking scholarships and consulting on start-ups for students, enterprises, seeking and supporting accommodation conditions, travel for students ...