Module 3 - Enterprise, Entrepreneurship & Marketing Skills Development and Support

This third V2WORK training of trainers module is centered on supporting students and graduates in acquiring entrepreneurship skills and supporting their entrepreneurial endeavours, as well as understanding the influence of an HEI’s entrepreneurial culture and marketing initiatives. A session on career guidance will also be included. The specific objectives include:

  • To understand the need to program the development of an entrepreneurial culture in HEIs, through HEI policies, enterprise and entrepreneurship education (both curricular and extra-curricular), entrepreneurship skills development or entrepreneurship support actions.
  • To share case studies of entrepreneurship skills development and support activities delivered in V2WOR partner institutions.
  • To introduce the notion of social entrepreneurship and how it can be developed in HEIs
  • To understand the relationship between inbound marketing in universities and entrepreneurship and career centres.
  • To understand the importance of the Career Centers’ activities, concerning Career Guidance and Counselling

The module is hosted by the University of Danang, from November 27th – 29th, 2018.
